Sunday, September 23, 2007

Travel Changing Blanket

During the Middle Ages, such was the prestige of Virgil, who was considered a magician. Practiced a method of divination, known as Sortes Vergilianae . The person who wanted to search his future formulated a query. The seer chose at random a passage Aeneid of Virgil, he read and interpreted by way of response to the query.

Right now, I like to imagine that I am the client who, overwhelmed by this ungrateful and anxious about the uncertain future, delves into what (you) lie ahead. In my query, I guess (or I) opens the text of Virgil at random, and read the following passage from Book I of the Aeneid . Aeneas and his fellow Trojans have just arrived off the coast of Libya, after its defeat in Troy and a tiring journey by sea. Aeneas, though pricked himself, his teammates and comforted with words that are the most exciting y conmovedor de la obra:

'O socii—neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum—
O passi graviora, dabit deus his quoque finem.
Vos et Scyllaeam rabiem penitusque sonantis 200
accestis scopulos, vos et Cyclopea saxa
experti: revocate animos, maestumque timorem
mittite: forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit.
Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum
tendimus in Latium; sedes ubi fata quietas 205
ostendunt; illic fas regna resurgere Troiae.
Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis.'

Compañeros de viaje (pues no somos ajenos a desgracias anteriores):
peores males hemos sufrido: un dios pondrá fin también a estos. You
topásteis you with the rage of Scylla and the pitfalls to
resonate from the depths, you have also suffered the rocks of the Cyclops:
raise your spirits and keep away from that sad fear;
perhaps even one day we'll be happy to remember this.
Among various vicissitudes, among so many dangers
we went to Lazio, where the fate
promises a permanent dwelling, there is written that the kingdom of Troy reborn.
Resist, and preserve you yourselves, happy moments.
Aeneas, after a brief vocative (O socii ) organizes his speech wonderfully comforting in three movements: past, present and future.
  1. In the past (lines 198-202a), reminded his colleagues who have had troubles worse. Keyword: to (v. 198).

  2. For this , asked presence of mind and courage (lines 202b-203a).

  3. And for the future , he predicts happy times (203b-207). Keyword: olim (v. 203).

sections of past and future are exactly the same length (four verses and a half).

this passage reminded me of a story, of eastern origin, from tales of Thousand and One Nights , Which is accessible on the Internet and entitled "This too shall pass." Shows the same conviction that shadowy moments pass, and there will come a better future.

There was once a king who told the wise men of the court:

- I'm making a beautiful ring. I got one of the best diamond possible. I want to keep the ring hidden inside a message that can help me in moments of utter despair, and to help my heirs, and heirs of my heirs, forever. You must be a small message, so it will fit under the diamond ring.

All who heard were wise, great scholars, could have written great treaty, but give a message of no more than two or three words that would help in times of total despair ...

thought, looked in his books, but could not find anything. The king had an old servant who was also his father's servant. The king's mother died suddenly and the servant took care of him, therefore, treated him like family. The king felt an immense respect for the elderly, so also consulted. And he said:

- I am not a scholar nor a scholar nor an academic, but I know the message. During my long life in the palace, I met all sorts of people, and once I met a mystic. He was a guest of your father and I was at your service. As he left, as a gesture of thanks, gave me this message "the old man wrote in a tiny paper, folded it and gave it to the king. But do not read, "she said keep it hidden in the ring. Open it only when all else has failed, when they find out the situation.

That moment came quickly. The country was invaded and the king lost his kingdom. His horse was running for his life and his enemies were after him. He was alone and the pursuers were numerous. Came to a place where the road ended, there was no outlet: front had a deep precipice valley fall for him would be the end. And he could not return because the enemy blocked his path. I could hear the trotting of the horses. He could not go forward and there was no other way ...

Suddenly, he remembered the ring. He opened it, took the paper and there he found a small tremendously valuable message: Just say "This too shall pass."

I want to thank the readers of this blog your words of encouragement and appreciation. Especially, some comments have verbalized desire to return to post more entries, you do not let the dust and neglect covered the blog. Thank you the support, appreciation, and being and being. Travel Partners : we are here.


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